4569875632qq » ytrhytrfhy - Šis dienoraštis aagg Prisijungti

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Kūrimas: 18/10/2010 11:15
Atnaujinti: 18/10/2010 11:17
Straipsniai 1
Apsilankymai savaitės 4290
Iš viso apsilankė 1002

4569875632qq :: ytrhytrfhy

Kiti internetiniai dienoraščiai: dfhfd | sdg | ...

United States - aagg
Pozicija: 109/56779 nariai

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Straipsnis: Leveling at level10 in Aion - 18/10/2010 11:17

Once you have hit level(Aion powerleveling) 10 you have earned the ability to fly. Its very interesting to see the character progress and slowly learn about her past in various cut scenes displayed during quests. Flying in Aion is restricted to certain areas. This is to make sure that players are still exploring the world of Atreia. The starting area Poeta and Sanctum restrict free flight but allow gliding.

Verteron will be the first area you visit that allows free flight around the main town. Upon arriving at Verteron and receiving quests you will realise that flight is an integral part of Aion and many quests from now on require this ability to obtain items(aion kinah) or locate various NPCs to complete the quests. The surrounding beach area of Verteron is open to free flight however keep in mind of your timer for how long you can stay up in the air, when the timer runs out you could be falling to your death.

If this does happen you can quickly tap the spacebar and you should glide down to safety. Another thing to bear in mind is that there are also invisible walls restricting free flight into other areas of Verteron so dont be alarmed when you slam into one of these walls. The best way to learn which areas allow flight is to check out the wings icon on the toolbar, if the wings are highlighted then free flight is allowed.